Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

He sets out to find the true meaning of happiness displayed by when he says, “All these years I had been sustained by an illusion – happiness through victory – and now that illusion was burned to ashes. Learned about happiness, goals, what you really want to get out of life, priorities, etc.In Dan Millman’s embarks on a journey to find “unreasonable happiness”. Awesome read that I'd definitely read again.You and the world and everyone in it is one All searches, all goals are equally enjoyable and equally unnecessary.It is something you either are or are not in the present moment. A warrior is not something you become.Your goal is not invulnerability but complete and transparent vulnerability.It doesn't matter what you do but you must do it well.Do not let anybody or anything, especially your thoughts, draw you out of the present.The only time is now and the only place is where you currently are.Happiness comes from the capacity of enjoying less instead of seeking more Can either have a lot of money and desires or cultivate a simple lifestyle. If you have enough to cover your desires you are rich. Happiness = satisfaction over desires.Boredom is a result of fundamental unawareness.Babies simply experience life before they become "namers" and "knowers" The mind becomes bored with things because we only know them as a name.Satori - thoughtless awareness (what to aim for and often can access it through sports, meditation, etc.).

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

  • There are no ordinary moments - every moment is worthy of your full attention.
  • The warrior neither seeks it nor runs away from it Better to make mistakes with the full force of your being than doing something mediocre while being unsure
  • What comes out of your mouth is as important as what goes into it - speak less and when you do speak, speak deliberately and purposefully.
  • Must enjoy the entire process of eating - preparation, chewing, breathing, and the feeling of lightness after the meal.
  • The way to control your emotions is to let them flow and then let them go
  • True emotion is pure energy which should be directed outward and not withheld.
  • It can generate action where fear and sorrow turn you away from action
  • Anger is more powerful than fear or sorrow.
  • Aim to be perfectly content and happy regardless of what is going on around you.
  • Thoughts are an unconscious reaction to life
  • When the mind resists life, thoughts arrive.
  • Your moods are a direct outcome of your thoughts - not the events themselves.
  • Learn from your life experiences instead of complaining or basking in them.
  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

    The mind is an illusory outgrowth, an obstacle to be overcome We make it suffer until we learn to let go and love whatever happens (Amor fati) The mind wants to be free of sin, free of change but change is law.

  • Regardless if you get what you want or not you suffer as everything changes.
  • The best warriors have the quietest minds in times of truth (performance).

  • Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman